It's been a long long long time since I've just messed around with cake, playing for the sake of experimentation. I made a Valentiney cake today, just for shiggles.
I baked a lemon cake and covered it in pink fondant. Then, I tried a new lace cutter to make a border:
Cute, right?
But I got another new lace cutter for Christmas, too. I wanted to see what it could do. I made the other lace and then brushed it with pink petal dust to make the design more visible:
Meh. Let's try this lace mold in white:
Huh. That is so not me, but I bet someone else would like it.
Remember that button mold from that baby shower cake a couple of years ago? Let's make some buttons to go with the first lace border:
Let's try some stuff on the top. I can emboss some hearts into the fondant:
Or make some fondant heart confetti:
Yeah, this isn't really me. What kind of Valentine cake would I like. Oh, spiders! Holding hands.
See, they're on a date. That's why she's wearing a bow.
And maybe I can make a heart out of colored sugar:
That's enough decorating. Let's cut this bad boy open.
This was my first attempt at making a cake with polka dots inside. I'm partially pleased. Next time, less food coloring on the dots so they look less like... meat.
Happy Valentimes!