I love PPGR. Unfortunately, she's gotten married, and her initials changed to PCGR... not the same. I mean, I'm glad she got married, true love, happily ever after, blah blah. But she'll always be PPGR to me.
Anyway, this morning, PPGR posted a challenge to her blog. Never one to shy away from a challenge (unless it's something I don't want to do), I'll accept it. You're supposed to post 5 pictures that you love and explain why you love them. Then, you're supposed to post 5 things you like about yourself. Since this is my cake blog, I'm going to complete the challenge with cake pictures and likes. So here goes:
I love this cake, hardcore. Not because it was huge (30+ pounds) and not because it's pink or had zebra stripes... no, I love this cake because of who ate it. My girls. Love them.
I made this cake when I was still VERY new to cake decorating. I like it because it's my own original idea and design. There are 3 full-sized cakes in that bowl, and the cake flavors are really chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.
What's better than Halloween? Nothing! This cake is mix of techniques: colorflow, airbrushing, sculpting, piping... it was fun. Really fun.
OK, obviously this cake isn't that complicated. But, it's the only cake I've made so far that has any reference to Harry Potter. And, really, if I were going to make a horcrux, it would be a pink cake.
The pink castle. This cake took more time than any other cake I've ever made. But didn't it come out well? Pretty. I like the gray marbled fondant on the bottom tier. Also, this cake has gotten more attention than any other I've made. People seem to like it.
Now, the five things I like about myself (cake version):
1. I like my piping skills. Except for my cake handwriting which is abysmal, I can do good things with buttercream.
2. I like my vision. When I think of a cake I want to do, I like the way bring that cake into being.
3. Roses. I can make buttercream roses well and I've gotten pretty good at the gumpaste ones too.
4. Sculpting- I love carving cakes. It's hard, but I generally like what I come out with.
5. Character piping. I've only tried a few times to pipe a well-known character onto a cake, but they came out well.
There it is. Challenge completed. If you have a blog, you should try it!